Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daily life..

The sun rises over the salt pond near my house around 6:30 a.m.The farmers in St. Thomas Parish wake even earlier than that, but I waited until midmorning to give them a visit.  I talked with a few of the farmers about their crops and the parish in general.   Around lunch time I watched Blacka fix a drainage problem.  The shower was draining slowly, so he busted out all of the cement to uncover the problem.  It turns out that Ronaldo must have let a few of his toys wash down the drain.  Three of them were stuck in the same elbow along with lots rocks, hair and debris.  By the end of the day, Blacka had replaced the PVC pipe, re-poured cement, and painted it to match the rest of the floor. After the plumbing project, I walked to the square to gather groceries for dinner.  When I sat down to have a snack, I noticed  a love letter across the street.  Mom, same goes for you! When I got back to the house, Blacka showed me how to make rice and peas.  Well, he grated the coconut and then Annie took over.  She explained to me how to prepare the beans and water for the rice and then she showed me how to make brown stew chicken and brown stew veggie chunks.  Before I knew it, the sun was setting over Pondside Lane.

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